Chiropractic Care
From mild discomfort to chronic pain, there are many reasons why people seek out chiropractic care. Our specialists utilize modern diagnostic technology to evaluate your spine and joints for any misalignment and other issues. Specialized chiropractic techniques (such as chiropractic adjustments, electrical stimulation, ultrasound and cold laser therapy to name a few) can then be used to address these problems. These techniques aim to improve nerve function, reduce nerve irritability that causes your pain, and improve your range of motion in order to get you back to a level of optimal function.

Pediatric Chiropractic Care
No matter your age, your body is subjected to a wide variety of stress. For infants, they are susceptible to stress while in utero as well as during birth. As they learn to walk, crawl, play, become independent and involve themselves in sports, their spines undergo many different forms of stress and trauma. Poor posture resulting from hours of computer / smartphone usage or carrying heavy backpacks continues to compromise the structure of their spines as they age.
Using techniques that are specifically tailored to the bodies of growing children, our professionals aim to prevent future pain, injury or other symptoms and allow for healthy growth as a child ages. Pediatric adjustments have also been linked to increased sports performance, decreased anxiety, and better learning retention. Our knowledgeable staff will take the time to educate you on the benefits of pediatric chiropractic care as a safe, effective and noninvasive approach to wellness for your children.

Neurological Rehabilitation Center
Our team specializes in the rehabilitation of individuals with neurological diseases, disorders, and injuries. Being the only neurological rehabilitation practice in our region, individuals come to us for injuries that span from mild concussions to severe traumatic brain injuries. Our patients range from children with developmental delays, to seniors with neurodegenerative diseases.
Through advanced comprehensive diagnostics, our trained professionals interpret this information (along with feedback from you) to understand how to best assist with your care. Instead of drugs or surgery, we formulate individualized rehabilitation programs that are unique to your specific challenges using precise neurological exercises and sensory input. Our patient care specialists work to keep you updated on your progress, inform you of follow up care options, and recommend home exercises designed to maximize your progress. The goal of our rehabilitation programs is improving neurological function, rather than simply treating symptoms.

Massage Therapy
During massage therapy, controlled pressure is applied to muscles and joints to relieve stress, ease tension, and accelerate healing. We use various manual manipulation techniques and special devices to break up tight muscle and scar tissue. These relaxing techniques are effective for pain management, stress reduction, and numerous other health and wellness benefits. We have a variety of massage services including deep tissue massage, cupping, aroma touch therapy and reiki.

Reflexology is a therapy based on the principle that there are small and specific areas of innervation in the hands and feet that correspond to specific muscle groups and organs of the body. In this system, the nerve endings in the extremities provide a “map” of the rest of the body. Through the application of pressure on particular areas of the hands or feet, reflexology is said to promote the relaxation of tension, improvement of circulation, and support of normalized function in the related area of the body.

Customized Nutrition
Food selection is a pivotal component to any healthy lifestyle. Adequate nutrition allows your body to function, perform, and heal optimally. Our dietary experts work with you to create comprehensive nutritional plans that are designed around your body’s needs, as well as your specific goals. Though the preferred method of getting nutrients is from whole food sources, our dietary experts will recommend supplementation in instances where this may be impossible. To navigate common pitfalls of healthful eating, our comprehensive nutrition programs include services like grocery tours, cooking classes, and one on one access to our nutrition professionals.